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A Real Estate Agency That Becomes Part of Your Story




Brand Creation /
Brand Strategy /
Website Layout /


Real estate is not just about selling houses; it's about understanding and nurturing the dreams of our clients. Real estate agents are privileged to be part of countless stories, like helping a young couple find their first home, witnessing families grow and needing more space. Every transaction represents a unique chapter in people's lives, and Vendo is here to ensure it's a positive and memorable one. On these foundational blocks, we built the brand of Vendo.



Our mission was to capture the essence of welcoming a new home or bidding farewell to a cherished one through a captivating brand identity. We aimed to create a more physical experience with high-quality print materials that are not just visually stunning but also tactile and emotionally evocative, allowing you to touch and feel the significance of each moment. Just like assessing the materials of a house, you should be able to see, feel, and experience their texture and beauty.


Crafting a Compelling Narrative Beyond Visual Identity

Our collaboration with Vendo went beyond just building a brand; we also crafted a narrative that complemented their visual identity and effectively conveyed their message to customers, especially in their recruitment campaigns where the modern new brand proved more appealing to real estate agents. Furthermore, we designed layouts and produced engaging videos for social media posts, offering valuable resources for Vendo's offices in the early stages of the brand. We also provided them with a comprehensive photography style guide to maintain a consistent and visually compelling brand image across all communication channels.

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