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Advanced Devices Crafted for Hidex's Scientific Instrumentation Portfolio




Product Design


Hidex 600 SLe

Hidex 600 SLe device is an upgraded version of the previous model, 600 SL. The starting point for the design was to enhance the device's end-user usability, functionality, and manufacturability. As a result of the development work, the device's appearance was also updated to align with the design trends of the 2020s, while still maintaining Hidex's distinctive and recognizable design language.


Hidex Ulla

Hidex Ulla combines existing technology with the latest innovations, and we take pride in our involvement in the product's development from its inception. Initially, we focused on optimizing the placement of components within the device to achieve the best ergonomic results. Furthermore, during the conceptualization phase, we devised solutions related to the device's maintenance and assembly, ensuring that the product is as straightforward as possible to assemble and maintain. We also incorporated cost-effective production solutions into the device's structure. In terms of design language, the device adheres to Hidex's design DNA while refining it in a modern and sustainable direction.

Hidex ULLA
Hidex ULLA
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